In our last article, we’ve covered 15 Basic MySQL Questions, again we are here with another set interview questions for intermediate users. As we said earlier these questions can be asked in Job Interviews. But some of our critics on the last article said, that I don’t give response to my critics and the questions are very basic and will never be asked in any Database Administrator Interview.

To them we must admit all the articles and question can not be composed keeping all the flock in mind. We are coming from basic to expert level step by step. Please Cooperate with us.
1. Define SQL?
2. What is RDBMS? Explain its features?
Answer : A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is the most widely used database Management System based on the Relational Database model.
Features of RDBMS
- Stores data in tables.
- Tables have rows and column.
- Creation and Retrieval of Table is allowed through SQL.
3. What is Data Mining?
4. What is an ERD?
5. What is the difference between Primary Key and Unique Key?
6. How to store picture file in the database. What Object type is used?
7. What is Data Warehousing?
8. What are indexes in a Database. What are the types of indexes?
Answer : Indexes are the quick references for fast data retrieval of data from a database. There are two different kinds of indexes.
Clustered Index
- Only one per table.
- Faster to read than non clustered as data is physically stored in index order.
Nonclustered Index
- Can be used many times per table.
- Quicker for insert and update operations than a clustered index.
9. How many TRIGGERS are possible in MySql?
Answer : There are only six triggers are allowed to use in MySQL database and they are.
- Before Insert
- After Insert
- Before Update
- After Update
- Before Delete
- After Delete
10. What is Heap table?
That’s all for now on MySQL questions, I will be coming up with another set of questions soon. Don’t forget to provide your valuable feedback in comment section.
This is one of the best books in coding, by Matthew Urban: Top 30 JAVA Interview Coding Tasks (
) and Top 30 SQL Interview Coding Tasks (
).Easy read, great tips, well explained.
My advice is also recommending Matthew Urban’s book “Top 30 JAVA Interview Coding Tasks” (
) and “Top 30 SQL Interview Coding Tasks” (
). Enjoy!The most common SQL coding interview questions are listed in Matthew Urban’s book ” TOP 30 SQL Interview Coding Tasks”. Less than 100 pages include deeply-explained, most commonly used data manipulation queries, relationships modeling, aggregation, sorting, table joins, index and other top topics to discuss during the job interview. Very well written book.
Provide real time interview questions
It’s great, Thanks I find it useful, I want more in order to be Razor sharp in Mysql
Please mention the answers with the questions of the post
So that fresher like me could understand
OK… a few extra questions to ask/include on MySQL interview: (especially notable for DBA/admin)
(1) Show the total amount of storage being used by each database under MySQL… organized by owner.
(2) List the indexes for all tables in database “Sales”… and show me any tables which do not have indexes.
(3) If MySQL database service is Not running, where do you look for problems/errors to correct.
(4) If MySQL is not running, how do you find disk storage used by MySQL …storage FREE/avail for MySQL?
(5) List all active connections to running MySQL DB… and what can you know about activity…
(6) Discuss steps to move/copy a MySQL database from ServerA to ServerB ?
(7) Comment on setup of ServerJ and ServerK for load balancing & fail-over operation, so BOTH stay updated?
(8) Describe steps to backup or restore data/tables/index for database “blue” with other databases still running?
Nice tutorials .. Waiting for next.
Every MySql interview will have certain set of tough interview questions related to select and other queries. Also they will concentrate on few important topics.
very helpful !
:) @ achha insaan
very nice and easy question answers.. thank you
Please write more about sql and if I can get more information about ERD model and indexes in sql then I will very pleased to you. Other hand if you post any other helpful matter I am very thankful to you. Can we use data structure in sql
Sure @ Sanjay
thanks, need interview question on mysql for experience.
Dear balu,
Tecmint-team will be coming up with your suggestions, soon!
Thanks for the helpful review, it’s a great brush-up and overview.
I just want to clarify regarding number five, it says Unique Key does allows one NULL value.
But actually MySQL allows multiple Null values for a Unique Key, and MySQL creates nullable columns by default, so if you don’t specify ‘not null’ then the column will allow multiple null values.
Welcome @ Malka.
UNIQUE column can have ONLY ONE NULL “, But, NULL and ” (Empty string) are NOT SAME .
Hope this helps you.
Good and quick explanation helpful for brushing up things
Thanks for Your valuable feedback @ Mayank.
Easy to catch up information. waiting for next update
Dear abdullah,
Find our interview series articles here:
thank you this was helpful!
Dear swag,
welcome. Keep connected.
Thanks sir
very helpful question and answer
Dear Mukesh,
Pleased to know, it helped you.
thanks sir
these are very technical question kindly more explain question
data mining and date warehouse with an example . so it will be best
Dear adbul,
keep connected, we are coming up with Interview articles very often.
these are very technical questions . thank you
Welcome @ andrew
Good one Bro waiting for next post
Dear champ007,
we have been contineously writing Interview articles.
here is the Link to all those article:
Keep connected for future articles.